Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Little Ladies Stay Busy!

Showing our support for a single-payer healthcare system? Not exactly. In this case, showing off mementos from Mommy and Daddy's 2010 trip to the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC.

Being outside in winter is automatically tolerable, as long as Grandma is involved.

"Um...there seems to be a problem. Didn't I make a bath reservation for one?"

Rachel teaching Elizabeth how to multi-task during changing time...

...good teacher, good pupil.

Leaning in for a kiss.

The main beneficiary of Mommy & Daddy's day-long battle against Snowpocalypse 2011.

"And I'm spent."

Marquette Basketball - it's a religion around this house. Services typically held once or twice a week from November through March.

"What do you mean, I'm too big for this chair? Give a girl a break!"

Gotta quench the thirst after a solid two minutes of sweeping.

Rachel + banana = Earth properly rotating on its axis.

"Try saying 'no' to these eyes, Daddy."

"Wait a minute...I'm allowed to eat some foods that AREN'T in liquid form? Sweet!"

"I don't care if it tastes like paste...this totally beats formula."

Elizabeth - never afraid to self-soothe.

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