Monday, December 21, 2009

Week 18 Growth Photo

Our little girl is getting so big! As Mom transitioned her clothes to the next size up, Dad couldn't find much for her to wear - and ended up with this! No worries - Rachel is still as happy as can be. Next week we promise a little more Christmas festive outfit... :)

Busy Busy Busy

The Magician from Frosty the Snowman was "busy, busy busy!" and so were we this week! Dad was out of town from Tuesday afternoon through Friday afternoon for work. He was lucky enough to sneak in a visit with Great Great Aunt Velda in Atlanta before heading home. Mom made sure to have some adult conversations each day while Dad was gone, so we did sneak in a visit to Great Aunt Mary (aka Granny) and Great Uncle Jim on Wednesday. Mom forgot the camera so it was lucky that Uncle Jim remembered to take at least a few pictures. Thursday Mom decided that Rachel was old enough to start eating some rice cereal. We tried out the highchair for a bit and Rachel didn't seem too sure of it all. Then, a different time Rachel ate, we did end up documenting the messy face of the beautiful girl. After Dad got home on Friday afternoon, we packed up and headed to Escanaba to help Grandma Barbara get ready for a houseful of people through Christmas week. Grandma had an exer-saucer toy that Rachel loved to play in. Time to make sure we have one in Milwaukee! Rachel has also learned to completely love bath time. She really enjoys the few minutes after when Mom scoops her up in the towel and they giggle together. Rachel also had her 4th month check-up today and she is 13.4 lbs and 25.5 inches tall. She is right on target as a very happy and healthy baby! Can't wait to see what this next week will bring. Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week 17 Growth Photo

As we start another week, Rachel continues to smile, giggle, goo, and gee more and more each day. Christmas time continues to approach us and we reflect on the many blessings of the year - number one being Rachel! Share in more smiles for this week and stay tuned for another weekly update!

Blue and Gold and in the cold!

This week we had our first heating adventure as the heat went out in the condo. It was back on by the mid afternoon, but it was still pretty cold. Mom and Dad should have moved Rachel into a warmer location (despite the number of blankets that were put around her) since she did get her first cold/ fever from the exposure. As she worked through her little coughs, we prepared for a big game of Marquette vs. UW. We had a few friends over to watch the game and it was a good time (even though the wrong team won). Rachel still took her nap - only on Miss Julie's shoulder! Rachel continues to feel better and better each day and we suspect her cold will be gone in no time. We will continue to have a fun week preparing for Christmas!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 16 Growth Photo

Week 16 started off with a celebration of St. Nicholas day - so Christmas attire was in the cards. The shirt says, "Elf in training"...and little Santa's helper she has been! We so enjoy her smiles and giggles each and every day.

A few firsts this week!

This week was a week of a few firsts. On Thursday afternoon, Rachel decided it was time for her to flip over from her belly to her back at the end of her nap! Mom was very excited and couldn't wait to tell as many people as possible. Then, during the middle of the night, Rachel continued to flip over, and Mom wasn't so excited anymore! Pictured below is Rachel's first flip on her own with a bit of a smirk for the camera. That's our girl.

Another first this week was Rachel's first St. Nick stocking. Even though she is not really all that aware of what was going on, she certainly had a smile for the camera as she attempted to figure out what she was looking at.

The last picture isn't a first, but it is Rachel's reaction to the MU game on Saturday afternoon. MU played very poorly as you can tell from her gesture! The next few weeks are busy with Christmas decorating, wrapping, and cooking baking before we are on the road visiting family. Happy Advent season to everyone!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 15 Growth Photo

"Well, Mommy says we're going to be here awhile...I think I'll just relax and make myself comfortable."

Happy Thanksgiving!

For my Thanksgiving vacation, I got to visit lots of special relatives at Grandma Barbara's house in Escanaba: Uncle Philip, Uncle Peter, Uncle Colin & Aunt Sarah, cousins Amy & Michael, and younger cousins Madeline, Rebekah, and Leah. Madeline and Rebekah were very nice and played with me on my playmat, and Leah really enjoyed saying "hi" to her next youngest cousin.

Grandma Barbara even took care of me one night while my Mommy & Daddy and a few aunts and uncles went to see a movie. (Of course, I was well-behaved for Grandma...I'm an angel. Just ask Daddy.)

And when they weren't busy eating or playing board games, Uncle Philip and Mommy & Daddy even got to watch two Marquette basketball games during the long weekend - and they were thrilled to see Marquette (unexpectedly) beat the stuffing out of Xavier and Michigan. As Mommy will tell you, I was just happy to get an occasional glimpse at the TV. I know I'm only three months old, but I REALLY enjoy watching TV. Mommy tries and tries to keep my eyes away from the screen, but I'm just too smart - I always find a way to catch a peek.

No matter what, I'm already thankful to have such great relatives. I know I speak for Mommy & Daddy when I say we're already looking forward to visiting Grandma Barbara and Grandpa & Grandma Handrich again in December!